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NTTA Member Code of Practice


The code of practice represents our commitment to provide an accountable customer service model which would be delivered in a similar way by all the organisations and companies who are part of the National Trailer & Towing Association Quality Secured scheme.


1.Business Management
3.Sales & Marketing
4.Customer Interface
5.Stock Control
8.Customer Satisfaction


0.1 The Standard (ref ISO9001:2008, based on the Process Approach).

The Company Management will:

a)  determine the sales, purchasing, administration, workshop and business processes needed for the organisation

b)  determine the sequence and interaction of these processes,

c)  determine the methods to ensure their effective operation e.g. by process mapping

d)  ensure the availability of resources and information to operate and monitor the     processes,

e)  monitor, measure and analyse these processes and

f)  implement actions to achieve planned results and continual improvement.

  •  The NTTA Quality Secured Company will:

a)  Be a fully paid-up member of the National Trailer and Towing Association Limited (NTTA).

b)  Be a business with appropriate registration number/certificate.

c)  Hold public liability insurance, of not less than one million pounds.

d)  Hold relevant insurance cover for customer vehicles and property and display a copy of

      the certificate(s) in public view.

e)  Operate to all applicable legislation, and the standards laid down in this Code of Practice.

f)  Take reasonable action to ensure that all installed products conform to statutory

     requirements and type approval e.g. relevant UK & European standards.

g)  Have a nominated person within the business who is responsible for the

     installed product being fit for purpose and which meets the customer’s

     requirements and/or any Insurance Company interests.

h)  Have a permanent business address, at least for administrative purposes and

     adequate signs to show office location.

i)  Keep the premises and company vehicles in an appropriate appearance and condition.

j)  Have permanent access to suitable premises to do the work, or in the case of mobile

business, ensure the work can be carried out in a suitable location off road.                                                                         (Customers must be advised work could be postponed due to bad weather)

k)  Be willing to allow their premises to be visited/examined, at any

     reasonable time by a representative of the NTTA QS scheme with or without notice.

l)   Clearly display the NTTA QS certificate in public view

m) If customers are allowed to wait at the premises for their vehicles or trailers, a clean, tidy waiting area with toilets should be made available if possible.

n)  Have adequate off-road parking/work facilities.

o)  Ensure that all staff maintain a clean/professional appearance during the working week.

p) If required, companies will register under the Data Protection Act (


1.1      Management

  1. Management will identify requirements to maintain the NTTA Quality Secured policy and provide resources needed to achieve it.
  2. The Management will review the requirements in ‘a’ to see that the requirements identified have been achieved.
  3. A H&S at work Policy will be maintained and followed, e.g., Risk Assessment, First Aid Kit
  4. Customer Satisfaction will be measured on an ongoing basis & this used to take action.
  5. Internal Audits will be undertaken to ensure that the business is run in-line with this code.
  6. The Business Processes, Measures and supporting documents will be kept up-to-date.

1.2       Qualifications and Training.

This should cover all applicable jobs, ref. current NTTA QUALITY SECURED checklists.

  1. NTTA Quality Secured Scheme roles and responsibilities will be defined and communicated within the company.
  2. Provide on-going training in the workplace for existing and new product lines.
  3. A personal record of such training is maintained.
  4. All fitters receive product specific training from qualified personnel authorised to represent the manufacturer/factor of the product.
  5. Display Certificates of Competence issued by the product manufacturer/factor to personnel displayed where customers can easily see them.
  6. Any technical information supplied by the manufacturer/factor of any product covered by this Code will be made available to all technicians installing such product.

2.1   Documentation

  1. Keep up to date with UK and European Legislation.
  2. Establish, approve and maintain documentation as necessary to undertake all work required, meeting such legislation as in 2.1.a e.g. Instructions, Checklists & drawings.

2.2   Records 

  1. The QUALITY SECURED Company shall retain records to demonstrate the effective operation of this code for a period of not less than three years, including:
  1. Records of each job e.g. Fitting/Service.
  2. Any Current calibration certificates for tools and equipment, used for installation work.
  3. Records of customer returns, complaints and responses.
  4. Records will be available for inspection by a representative of NTTA QUALITY SECURED scheme.

3.1   Sales & After-sales Service & Maintenance Contracts

The QUALITY SECURED Accredited Company shall provide appropriate support, including, as a minimum:

  1. Review all enquiries to ensure that they can be achieved.
  2. Review all orders to ensure that they can be achieved and document the results.
  3. Test and fault diagnosis rectify any problems relating to the product or workmanship.
  4. Provide telephone helpline support during normal working hours.
  5. Endeavour to have spares/products available to meet sales or after sales requirements.
  6. Make available the option of a maintenance contract or regular checks/servicing/inspection as per the product manufacturer’s warranty specifications.

4.1   Booking-in

  1. Use pre-determined checklists to assess what the customer requires before starting work and inform them of any known additional vehicle management system safety features their vehicle may have installed.
  2. Inspect and identify any existing damage and notify the customer immediately before starting or continuing the work. 

4.2 Specification – Trailers

  1. Confirm the proposed work meets the customers’ needs.
  2. Check that equipment to be installed meets all current relevant legislation and is fit for purpose.
  3. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for all components.

4.3 Specification -Towbars

  1. Confirm the installation meets the customers’ requirements, that the vehicle will accept the towbar specified and meet any applicable Approvals.
  2. Check that equipment to be installed meets all relevant legislation.
  3. When connecting with the vehicles wiring loom ensure that all precautions are taken regarding bulb failure systems, multiplexing and the current carrying capacity of the proposed circuit. If in doubt, contact the relevant component manufacturer or supplier.
  4. If disconnecting the vehicle’s battery, check if re-programming procedures are required and are available, e.g., for audio system, or vehicle management system. Alternatively ensure that a battery support device is available.
  5. Take appropriate safety precautions in respect of air bags, ABS systems etc. if fitted.

4.4 Subcontracting

  1. Where possible if work needs to be sub-contracted, sub-contract work to other QUALITY SECURED accredited Companies.  The subcontracting company must retain responsibility for all warranty and customer services required by this Code of Practice.
  2. If a QUALITY SECURED Accredited Company sub-contracts its workshop services to a non-QUALITY SECURED accredited Company, the QUALITY SECURED company must supply the customer/owner of the vehicle/trailer to which the work has been completed its own service/warranty statement, helpline telephone number, and supply all the other customer services required by the Code of Practice.

N.B: If this is not followed then a Warranty Certificate should not be issued, and it should be made clear to the customer/owner, prior to the order, that the warranty and all other customer services are the responsibility of the non-accredited company.

4.5 Hand-Over Procedure 

  1. Demonstrate to the customer how to use the system with attention to and additional components.
  2. Provide all customers with:
  3. Any manufacturer supplied instructions.
  4. Any/all old parts removed unless customer has signed for their disposal
  5. Certificate of work completed, or other document as authorised by the QUALITY SECURED admin.
  6. Invoice and Warranty document; not less than 12 months to cover the parts, installation and labour.

N.B: Any costs incurred through false warranty claims should only be recovered after an

inspection has established the fault is not product or workmanship related.

  1. In addition, provide the customer with the following, and record this/retain a copy:


  1. Invoice and record of work done.
  2. Warranty document containing location of component parts and all fuse locations of installed system.


  1. If the trailer is deemed not roadworthy by the QUALITY SECURED company after agreed work has been completed, then the customer must sign a disclaimer on company stationery which highlights the fault or faults before the trailer is released to the customer.
  2. Invoice and record of work done, and components used.

5.1 Purchasing

  1. Evaluate & select Suppliers based on their ability to supply in accordance with the company’s requirements.
  2. Verify product being received and monitor Supplier Performance (See model form: Supplier Performance Record).
  3. Maintain adequate stock levels and undertake an assessment of condition as required.

This should be appropriately equipped, see checklist 4 Tools and Accessories (QS-022-2) 

6.1.  Pre-Installation Preparation – Trailer

NOTE: Due care and consideration for the customer’s property must be taken at all times.

  1. Have dedicated containers or specific place for customer property.
  2. Remove parts and any other components using the correct tools.
  3. Identify/store fixings in a clean, safe area.
  4. Record the disposal of, or return to customer, any redundant parts.
  5. In the interest of personal safety/potential product damage, all fitters should remove/insulate any items of jewellery on or about their person.

6.2 Pre-Installation Preparation – Towbars

NOTE: Due care and consideration for the customer’s property must be taken at all times.

  1. Fit seat covers.
  2. Carry out a full road lighting test on the vehicle and notify customer of any defects.
  3. Have identified/dedicated containers or specific place for customers’ property.
  4. If you intend to work in the engine bay, fit appropriate protectors, e.g. wing covers.
  5. Remove vehicle trim, bumper and any other components using the correct tools.
  6. Identify/store trim, and fixings in a clean, safe area.
  7. Record the disposal of, or return to customer, any redundant parts.
  8. In the interest of personal safety/potential product damage, all fitters should remove/insulate any items of jewellery, on or about their person.
  9. Bumpers when removed, e.g. for cutting, must be placed on stands.

6.3   General Requirements for Installation of Components – Drilling and Cutting

  1. Before drilling or cutting ensure that there are no obstructions, pipes or cables on the other side of the panel that could be damaged.
  2. Ensure that no components, wiring or equipment have been damaged once drilling or cutting is complete.
  3. De-burr and remove swarf from holes drilled in the bodywork.
  4. Protect holes using a recognised anti-corrosion treatment.
  5. Remove all swarf from the vehicle/trailer when drilling is complete.
  6. Fit suitable grommets or sleeves where wiring is to be routed through sharp areas.
  7. Ensure grommets through engine bulk-heads and other external panels are water and gas tight.
  8. Ensure that the structural integrity of the vehicle/trailer is not reduced.
  9. Ensure that workshop technicians are aware of any issues regarding corrosion protection particularly on aluminium vehicles/chassis.

6.4   Welding

  1. Any technician that carries out welding that effects the structural integrity of the trailer must have been trained & have demonstrated competence in the type of welding undertaken.
  2. Evidence of such training & competence must be kept on file and updated as required.

6.5 Electrical

Dedicated wiring systems

The NTTA defines a suitable kit as one which enables the activation or modification either automatically or by recoding, of any functions relating to towing that are already present in the vehicle’s electronic system. These may be safety related or functional.   In the case of vehicles that are fitted with safety related towing features it is the NTTA’s strong recommendation that as best practice where available such a kit will be installed by the fitter and compliance with this recommendation is a mandatory requirement of NTTA QS Approval”

All electrical and electronic components shall be:

  1. In an enclosed area protected from physical damage (unless specifically designed for exterior mounting).
  2. Scotchlocks or insulation displacement connectors must not be used externally or where moisture is expected to be present.
  3. All component parts of the system shall be positioned in locations where outside interference is avoided, accidental damage is least likely to occur and in such a way that injury which may be caused by protruding parts or sharp edges is prevented.

 6.6 Fastening

  1. All component parts to be fitted must be securely fixed to the trailer/vehicle with direct regard to the manufacturer’s fitting instructions. All fasteners must be tightened to the stated torque settings.
  2. Moving parts must not be obstructed.
  3. Avoid protrusions that may constitute a hazard.
  4. Prevent chaffing on cables or pipes during normal operation.

6.7 Wiring

The wiring shall be:

  1. Kept as short as possible.
  2. No less than the current rating of the existing wiring/circuits and with sufficient current carrying capacity for the designated circuit when under full load.
  3. Securely fixed using a suitable method in line with the manufacturer’s requirements.
  4. Where possible run with the trailer/vehicle’s own wiring loom.
  5. Protected by grommets when passing through tight or sharp areas.
  6. Protected from damage during the normal operation of the vehicle.
  7. Installed in such a way that the connected wiring does not interfere with the normal operation of the trailer/vehicle controls,
  • Power Supply Wiring
  1. The power supply wiring shall be kept as short as possible.
  2. All 12S power feeds must be minimum 3mm (44/0.30 or equivalent)
  3. Any power supply wire/wires connected to an un-fused power supply shall be made via a dedicated fuse or circuit breaker with the correct rating
  4. The dedicated fuse must be located as near as possible to the supply source. For towbars the power supply must be taken from the vehicle’s battery terminals or the vehicle’s own fuse box.
  5. Ensure that the vehicle uses the chassis of the vehicle as the negative return path for the electrical system. IF NOT, consult manufacturer’s/importer’s installation instructions for positive earth and isolated chassis vehicles.
  6. The Earth wire(s) shall be securely connected to an original vehicle earth point on the vehicle chassis and not the vehicle loom.
  7. Trailers must have adequate earth return cable sizes to accommodate all lighting circuits
  8. Power feeds to multiple bypass relays must be separate from 12S power feeds.

6.9 Connections 

  1. All interconnecting wiring connections shall conform to one or more of the following methods:
  2. Solder connections, (where acceptable to the vehicle manufacturer) protected by adhesive lined heat shrink sleeving or self –amalgamating tape.

NOTE: Solder connections shall be made using normally available automotive grade flux

  1. cored solder.
  2. Trailer/Vehicle manufacturer’s recommended method of termination or original equipment vehicle connectors.
  3. Insulated crimp type connectors using the correct ratchet crimping tool.
  4. Insulation displacement connectors. (Internal or in weatherproof situation)
  5. Waterproof connections shall be used in all external areas.  In engine compartment use insulated crimp connectors or waterproof crimp connectors.                                                                                 
  6. All unused terminals or wires shall be insulated using termination methods as above.

6.10 System Functional Test – Towbars

NOTE: These checks should also be carried out following any service, warranty or repair work.

  1. Prior to conducting the test, ensure that the vehicle’s battery is adequately charged.
  2. Check the systems operation in accordance with the installation specification and with attention to the operation of any additional components. 

Appropriate test equipment must be used that simulates genuine working loads on the installation.

  1. Ensure that the installation causes no interference or malfunction of any original equipment or other devices on the vehicle.
  2. Record the results of the Test, e.g. sign-off job sheet.

6.11 System Functional Test – Trailers

NOTE: These checks should also be carried out following any service, warranty or repair work.

  1. Prior to conducting the testing procedure ensure that the trailer is roadworthy.
  2. Check the systems operation in accordance with the installation specification and with attention to the operation of any additional components.
  3. Ensure that the installation causes no interference or malfunction of any original equipment or aftermarket devices on the trailer
  4. If a service has been completed ensure that the trailer’s auto-reverse brake adjustments are checked by a reversing test.
  5. Record the results of the Test, e.g. sign-off job sheet.

6.12 Final Inspection – Trailers  

Check & record, e.g. using a specific checklist, that:

  1. All parts & sections removed have been re-installed correctly.
  2. All swarf and debris has been removed from the trailer.
  3. All component systems are fully operational.
  4. All documentation is complete.
  5. Service/job records and notes are correct.
  6. Check for any accidental damage to the trailer with reference to the pre-work check, any new damage should be recorded on installation documentation, the customer advised and made good to the customer’s satisfaction.

6.13 Final Inspection – Towbars   

Check & record, e.g. using a specific checklist, that:

  1. All items & trim removed have been re-installed correctly.
  2. All swarf and debris has been removed from the vehicle.
  3. All vehicle systems are fully operational.
  4. All audio codes are reset where necessary.
  5. All documentation is complete, e.g. job/component type, location, serial/batch numbers, etc.
  6. Installation records and notes are correct.
  7. Seat and wing covers are removed from vehicle.
  8. Check for any accidental damage to the vehicle with reference to the pre-installation check, any new damage should be recorded on installation documentation, the customer advised and made good to the customer’s satisfaction.

6.14 Control of Equipment 

  1. Measuring equipment will be calibrated against standards traceable to National Standards and the results recorded. E.g. torque wrenches
  2. Key process equipment will be identified and subject to planned maintenance and the results recorded.
  3. An appropriate working environment will be maintained, e.g. good lighting, cleanliness, etc
  1. Operate standard Accountancy Procedures using appropriate Ledgers/Software.
  2. Produce Annual Accounts in line with Statutory Requirements.

8.1 Complaints, Product Returns, Defect Reports & Corrective Action. 

  1. Maintain a product returns register and Customer Complaints Log.
  2. Monitor suppliers’ performance.
  3. Liaise with product Manufacturers on technical issues and for information.
  4. Undertake, record and implement Corrective action for all such concerns identified.
  5. Assess & record that the Corrective Actions undertaken have been effective.
  6. Review all the above to determine and eliminate any recurring issues.
  • Quality Secured Assessments and Star Rating
  • Please be aware that if, upon a visit from a Quality Secured Assessor, you are found to not have in place what was previously ticked on your submitted compliance sheets, the corresponding rating will be removed from your listing on the Buyers Guide until you can prove otherwise.
  • After the initial physical assessment, virtual assessments will be carried out annually but you will have a physical assessment visit every 4 years to ensure all our members are at the same level of standard that we promote to the public.
  • Should the NTTA be made aware of any serious complaints against the member, they may be visited by a NTTA Quality Secured representative.
  • If a physical or virtual assessment can not be carried out in any year, you are required to completed the compliance forms and re-submit them to the NTTA office to ensure you stay at your maximum rating.